If Love Could Have Saved You, You Would Have Lived Forever.

When you lose your best friend and loyal companion, nothing can prepare you for the emptiness, isolation and heartache that follows. Your pain may be compounded by those closest to you who dismiss or diminish your suffering. Feeling the weight of others’ judgement, you are compelled to put on a brave face and internalise your pet loss and grief.

Rainbow Bridge Australia is where you can Pay Tribute & Share Your Story, from the joyful beginning to the heartbreaking goodbye and everything in between. We understand how hard life can be without those extraordinary pets that filled your life and stole your heart. Our story will be much like yours: one of everlasting love and heartbreaking loss.

Our Family.

Bindi Family


CEO, Founder
2002 – 2013
Bob Family


Second In Charge (2IC)
13 years young
Bon Family


Third In Charge (3IC)
2014 – 2023


Retirement Home Supervisor
12 years young

Our Sunshine, Forever & Always.

Rainbow Bridge Bindi

Our family began with a Golden Retriever named Bindi. When Bindi looked you in the eyes, it felt like she was staring into your soul. It would warm your heart every time. Such a brave, wise old soul, Bindi had been here before. She had a way to make the simple things in life the most important, enjoyable and memorable. 

Our desire to spend more quality time with Bindi led us to where we are today. We took a deep breath, crossed our fingers and toes and left our previous careers behind to open a pet boutique with a difference in her honour. A rare opportunity in the nostalgic Blue Mountains Village of Leura was our chance. The catch? A historic unused upstairs apartment had become available as a retail space. Untested and unwanted, we were crazy enough to take it on. You had to walk down an alleyway, around the back of the building and up a staircase to get to the shop. You also needed to lower your head walking up the stairs to avoid headbutting the ceiling. We had to consider issuing protective helmets as a condition of entry. 🙂

This business should have failed at the front door, but we were determined and had a vision. A vision that created a unique Pet Boutique (The Leura Doggie Store), a place for innovative, new, exclusive premium Australian and international pet brands. The best part? We could take Bindi to work with us every day.

A natural-born leader from day one, Bindi would be the first out the farm gate, leading her siblings down to the dam for a swim, and a roll around in the mud. Like everything in life, Bindi embraced her new role as Founder and CEO of the Leura Doggie Store. There was no doubt she was the boss lady. Bindi girl would greet you at the top of the stairs, wagging her tail while holding Scratette the FuzzYard flea. She would then give you a guided tour through the shop which usually involved making a beeline to the treat section. Every day was a new adventure.

It was time for Bindi to appoint a second in charge (2IC) and a brother to share her life. And so a little earth angel in disguise arrived. He was fluffy, cheeky, a little bit naughty and very cute. His name was Bobby.

Our Sweet Little Earth Angel.

The bond between them was very special. Bobby idolized his big sister, he had no concept of personal space. He knew he was safe, a big sister to protect and love him. Bob unwrapped a new level of vibrance and youthfulness in Bindi.

The day we met Bobby (aka; Mr Yellow – his collar colour) was one of our most memorable. The litter came bounding out, all except for Bobby. He had to be cuddled and carried out separately. Bob was a precious little soul. He needed a little extra help as a puppy. A big softie who just wanted everyone to love him, always standing at the back of the line, being polite and missing out.

Sweet little Bob looked up at us with his beautiful big brown eyes, gave us a little smile and then wandered over to a quiet corner to sit by himself. The decision was easy, “Come over here Mr Yellow, you are coming home with us“. There were so many special times and cherished memories, Bin and Bob playing like a couple of puppies, doggo day trips and running their pet store together, however, it would prove to be heartbreakingly short-lived.

Bobby was impressionable as a two-year-old when we learned of Bindi’s aggressive, late-stage Lymphoma diagnosis. We thought we could save her, we tried everything, Eastern medicine and Western medicine, always searching for a cure. Bindi was so strong, she took everything in her stride. Bobby was such a little angel, accompanying her on every hospital visit.

We had won the battle, the cancer was in remission. Life was improving, getting back to normal. It was two weeks until Bindi’s birthday, a big celebration was planned, but suddenly she took a turn. It was renal failure. Our light had turned to dark. We tried to save her but in the end, we had to set her free. As we held her and wished her goodbye, she lifted her head, looked us in the eyes and took her last breath.

With so many ups and downs, life hit us with an almighty thud. There was a numbness engulfing our refusal to accept she was gone. Bobby kept looking and waiting for Bindi. It was so sad, our sweet precious boy was lost and confused, we all were. Too timid to go for a walk, and not interested in socialising, he shut down. He just wanted his big sister back.

Our tribute to Bindi was first published on our Facebook Page back on July 4, 2013.

Bobby at Rainbow Bridge
Our Snuggle Bear, Entertainer & Protector.
Bonnie at Rainbow Bridge

Eight months had passed, Bobby was not coping on his own and we were still processing the loss of our brave Bindi girl. After much considered thought, it was time to expand the family. The universe would send us a majestic maniac disguised as a kung-fu Panda bear. Her name was Bonnie Boo.

A hurricane had hit town in the form of a big, bouncy, beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog. She was here to shake things up. She certainly did that. Bonnie would change everything for everyone. Her impact was immediate and immense. Bobby had a bounce in his step while we had a big ball of fluff with an attitude to match.

It took no time for Bonnie to create a race track around the shed, redecorate the garden and dig potholes big enough to park your car in. She also perfected her shoplifting skills as 3IC (third-in-charge) of the Leura Doggie Store. Bobby tried his best to teach Bonnie some of the rules Bindi passed on, but in the end, he decided to join in the fun. They became true partners in life and crime, a fluffball version of Bonnie and Clyde.

We still remember the night we were abruptly awoken, it was the middle of the night. Had we just experienced a small earthquake? No, it was the beginning of doggo Wrestlemania, the first of many more to come. Bobby’s cheeky smile, confidence and happiness returned along with the daily walks and doggo day trips to the big city, south and central coast.

Bonnie would soon outgrow Bob in size and strength, but she was always so gentle with her brother, letting him win the wrestle and take the lead. She became the saviour of his soul and his fiercest protector. Nothing would dare mess with Bobby when accompanied by his Berner bodyguard. Although she was friendly with the outside world, Bonnie only had eyes for her family.

Often forgetting she was the size of a small horse, one of her favourite activities involved jumping up on the lounge, backing you into the corner and resting her total body weight across you. Your body would go numb, but you would not move a muscle. Snoring like a bear, she made you feel still and safe.  Her love and affection touched our souls in the most extraordinary way.

You Were So Brave
Our Superhero

But then came the first great challenge of Bonnie’s short life. She was only four years old when she was first diagnosed with a Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Early detection and treatment by the amazing team at Creatures & Co. and Vineyard Veterinary Hospital gave Bonnie a second chance at life. This close call would set us on a new path, a path of no regrets for who knew how much time we all had left together. So a decade on from opening the doors to Bindi’s pet store, it was time to make a sea change.

Every day was a jam-packed adventure, running along the beach, swimming in the ocean, bathing in the lagoon, doggo day trips all over the coast and just lazing around the yard enjoying each other’s company and antics. Everywhere we visited, we felt the presence of Bindi. It was her favourite holiday destination, she had been visiting the coast since she was a puppy. Life was bliss, with such cherished memories and time spent. But once again, this happiness was to be short-lived.

Bonnie had already defeated cancer, she was a superhero, but her kryptonite arrived a few short years later.  “We are very sorry, Bonnie has Disseminated Histiocytic Sarcoma, it is quite rare and very aggressive, they said. We felt a sickness like never before. This is not what we had planned. Bonnie was supposed to pull Bobby around in a cart when he was a dithering old man, and they would both leave us for the next life at a time of their choosing in a peaceful way. How could this happen again, life felt so unfair. What did we do wrong?

Such a majestic, stoic girl, she, like Bindi was so brave and strong in the face of adversity. We were unaware at the time of the road we were about to travel. We searched for answers and help everywhere, full of hope and determination, but there was nothing that could stop what was coming this time. She spent her whole life protecting us, it was now our turn to protect her. We smothered her with love and comfort, Bobby always sitting by her side, watching over her. She became weak and brittle, our big strong Berner girl was fading away. “I don’t want to leave you, I love my family so much“, she would say to us with her eyes.

Dad carried her down to her favourite spot at Avoca Beach while Mum and Bob walked beside her. She sat up nice and tall, enjoying the beautiful sea breeze and sunset, taking it all in like she knew this was the very last time. Her spirit was strong and unbreakable to the very end. We sat there for hours, our last evening together, we cried until there were no tears left as we watched over her. Bonnie seemed to find solace that evening, knowing the end was near.

The next day had arrived. Despite lacking appetite and energy, Bonnie gobbled up her last rump steak like she knew it was time to leave for Rainbow Bridge. Num, num, num, you could hear her say as she gently took it from our hands. With her belly full and comfortable on her favourite rug under the air conditioner, she would receive a very special home visit by her favourite and most wonderful Veterinarian from Somersby Animal Hospital. Bonnie would let out one last big bark to say, “Hey, nobody enters without my permission“.  Stoic till the very end, we held her, told her how much we loved her and wished her goodbye on her way to Rainbow Bridge.

Bobby knew this time; he had known for a while. This bravest boy is grieving all over again but staying strong and making the most of each day we all have left together. A wise old man he has become, but his story is to be continued…

No longer by our side but forever in our hearts, we will meet again at Rainbow Bridge“.

Bindi, Bobby & Bonnie's Pet Boutique.
Honour Their Memories
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