Rainbow Bridge Poem
The Rainbow Bridge Poem Story
The Rainbow Bridge Poem, the true story behind the world’s most influential piece of pet loss and mourning literature, is finally receiving the recognition it deserves. She may not have known it at the time, but Edna Clyne-Rekhy helped and comforted millions of pet owners from all walks of life all over the world when she wrote the Rainbow Bridge Poem.
The year would be 1959; Edna was just 19 at the time. Grieving the loss of her very first dog, Major the Labrador, she ripped some pages from her sister’s notebook and began to pencil “The Rainbow Bridge Poem”. Her final words, placed at the top of the page, said, “Rainbow Bridge”.
Some years later, Edna married and showed Her husband, The Rainbow Bridge Poem. Suggested she publish it, Edna was initially hesitant though eventually documented The Rainbow Bridge Poem and distributed it amongst some close friends. With humility and grace, Edna did not add her name to The Rainbow Bridge Poem. As more and more people shared the poem across the country and eventually the world, it became cut off from its source.
“Sometimes I would just sit and talk to him, and I felt that he could understand every word I said“, she told Paul Koudounaris, the American Author, Photographer and Art Historian who interviewed Edna Clyne-Rekhy at the age of 82 back in 2023. She went on to say to Paul “My mother used to ask how I had trained Major to be so gentle and obedient, and I still laugh about the question, explaining that I had never trained him at all, it was natural between us“. Paul started searching for the authentic and original Author of the Rainbow Bridge Poem in 1995.

Edna Clyne-Rekhy
For so long Edna would be unaware of the impact her writings were having on so many pet lovers across the world. How wonderful it is now that Edna is finally having the light shine her way. When your pet crosses the Rainbow Bridge, and we meet them in the afterlife, we can all thank Edna for giving us this magical place for our cherished and loved pets. We thank you, Edna, for what a difference you have made to the world.

Rainbow Bridge Poem.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, your pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to health and strength, those who were hurt are made better and strong again, like we remember them before they go to heaven. They are happy and content except for one small thing, they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance, his bright eyes are shineing (sic), his body shakes. Suddenly he begins to run from the herd, rushing over the grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cuddle in a happy hug never to be apart again.
You and your pet are in tears. Your hands again cuddle his head and you look again into his trusting eyes, so long gone from life, but never absent from your heart, and then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.